Overcoming Hypnotic Waking Sleep

What is Hypnotic Waking Sleep?

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1867 – 1949) was a spiritual teacher and mystic who developed a unique system of self-development to achieve higher consciousness and self-awareness.  His techniques hinged on the concept that the average person was trapped in a state of hypnotic waking sleep that must be overcome to achieve higher consciousness and self-awareness.

Hypnotic waking sleep refers to a state in which individuals go through life in an automatic, unreflective trance, unaware of their true potential and inner life.  Most people operate on a set of conditioned responses and routines, performing daily tasks without genuine awareness or self-observation. This state is akin to being hypnotized, as people are trapped in habitual patterns and illusions about themselves and the world. 

To awaken from this mindset, Gurdjieff employed several methods, including: self-observation, self-remembering, conscious labor, intentional suffering. and sacred movements   Of utmost importance was engaging in continuous inner questioning and self-inquiry to cultivate a higher state of awareness, disrupt automatic behaviors, and awaken a deeper sense of presence and self-consciousness.

Like Gurdjieff, Gori Suture wrote The Paradox Chronicles with the intention of propelling the mind out of a zombie-like trance and into a God-like state of awareness by forcing one to question their innermost thoughts.  This allows the mind to expand, and since mind is self, it in turn enlarges one’s very soul to a state of omnipresence.

 Expand the mind, expand the soul!

Text says Gori Suture's Paradox Chronicles.  There is an animation of a fairy cutting off a child fairy's wings while an eye cries.

About The Paradox Chronicles

The Paradox Chronicles (formerly called The Smut Sagas) are a series of metaphysical allegories which use extreme imagery and scenarios to jolt the psyche as a catalyst for spiritual growth. Mind expansion doesn't mean to simply elevate one's thoughts in the highest direction; one must also debase one's thoughts in the lowest direction. Only then is the mind truly expanding in a balanced and veracious fashion. The Paradox Chronicles utilize shock and horror juxtaposed with higher spiritual thinking to catapult the ego past its blockades, allowing for a deeper understanding of the veiled essence of divinity. Extreme oscillations of thought stretch the fabric of mind, as Gori presents scenarios intended to cause arousal at inappropriate times in order to shock and appall, forcing the reader to explore the boundaries of internal darkness, the capability for sadism, selfishness, cruelty, and lust. Stretching the depths of one's thoughts allows for a rebound to unforeseen heights. The further one pulls back the sling shot, the further the projectile goes!

This magickal technique attacks the state of hypnotic waking sleep, employing imagination and emotion to stimulate unused neural pathways, creating a state of neural plasticity in the brain, empowering the reader to expand the mind. As the mind is forced to rewire, it opens up, causing unfamiliar ways of thinking, a stone in the pond of static meditation, new waves of insight that ripple through the reader like rapture, inducing higher dimensional thinking, utilizing 'as below, so above' to catalyze microcosmic causality, and ultimately, altering the mind of God.

Falling somewhere between the genres of visionary fiction and paranormal erotic horror, The Paradox Chronicles are one long, epic dark fantasy story in 673,986 words, featuring LGBTQIA+ characters. Additionally, there are three full color volumes of supplemental occult philosophy and bonus material that goes with the fiction series, called The Color of Paradox.

Prepare yourself, humble reader, for an odyssey unlike any other you have ever taken, a world of salacious horror, fantastic and heartbreaking, as only Gori Suture can provide.